Sermons by telephone

During these times of isolation, God’s providence continues to be kind to us. Technology has provided ways of us keeping in touch, especially with the church and its services. However, some of our members and friends do not have internet access; these can feel particularly isolated from family, friends and church. Thankfully, ways have been found for these to keep in touch with church services. Below, we provide two telephone numbers which can be called from a landline, each will do something slightly different.

02922 670600

People calling this number can choose to listen to the latest Sunday sermons and the latest Bible Study.

0131 460 1196
020 3481 5237

People calling either of these numbers will follow the following steps:

  1. Enter the “meeting ID” 854 6119 5036#
  2. When asked for the “Participant ID” just press #
  3. You will then be asked for the “Meeting password”. Please ask a member of Church Council for the password

You will then be put through to a live feed of the church services as they are being streamed. Obviously, this would require you to call while the services are actually occurring.

Please disseminate these numbers to those members and friends of the church who you feel could benefit from them.
